Monday, August 17, 2009

A Father's Perspective

My perspective the day we heard about the triplets was one of disbelief and laughter; I just couldn't comprehend it and I didn't know what else to do but laugh. I kept smiling and looking at Ann-Marie to watch her reaction. I was so happy, yet at the same time my mind started racing about how one provides for three babies at once. I've learned since that time that "one" isn't able to provide for all three, but that it takes an entire family, extended family, friends, and neighbors. May I express thanks to so many of you for your prayers, generosity, and support. We love you and thank you.

So with the news of triplets, we rather suddenly moved beyond our four-door sedans. After talking to a lot of friends, the consensus was a mini-van over an SUV. I've always been a mini-van person (so I'm an accountant and I like better gas mileage, less expensive insurance, and better use of space), but Ann-Marie is an SUV person (so much more fun and sporty!) so when she was convinced that a mini-van was better I was pleasantly surprised. The issue mainly came down to loading three carseats into a vehicle, mini-vans accomodated for this so much better. We've decided what we want, now just selling one of our cars and finding the right time to buy.

One interesting thing Ann-Marie and I learned at the ultrasounds from the nurses is that they are seeing a lot more multiple births, both from invitro and other fertilization techniques as well as spontaneous (no intervention) reasons.

Today marks 24 weeks, we're hoping for 28 and if we reach that we're hoping for 34!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad to hear from you, Anthony! I love it when Jeff writes blog entries on ours too. Nice to get a husband's perspective!
